Kidd's Beach

Ratepayers and Residents Association


Kidd’s Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association (KBRRA) is a registered Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and exists:

to serve as the mouthpiece of the ratepayers and residents of Kidd’s Beach, and to deal with, further, and protect the interests of its members.

Members belong to households who pay annual levies, and which are located in the area between the R72 and the sea, between the Mcantsi and Umlele Rivers, and adjacent farming areas.

A Committee is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting to represent the interests of members. Increasingly, members are volunteering to be part of the solutions to issues in Kidd’s Beach.

Ten years ago, Kidd’s Beach consisted only of the old part of the village – there were about 100 mostly holiday-home dwellings. There are now 1000 (and growing!) dwellings located in “old” Kidd’s Beach and four gated communities.

A key challenge for all who live in Kidd’s Beach is to ensure that any new developments comply with conditions of development approval in respect of the bulk infrastructure capacity, or can be accommodated within the current infrastructure capacity. This includes the need for construction of additional water supply infrastructure, and increased capacity of wastewater treatment facilities, provision of additional electricity supply and building of roads and streets for expected traffic increases.

In the old part of Kidd’s Beach the provision and proper management of the beachfront facilities and municipal services are key issues for the village.

2024 Achievements

Some of the key achievements during 2024 have been:

Roads, Streets & junctions – continuation of volunteer pothole repair project, close liason with SANRAL re construction stoppage of R72 junction.

Water Supply – maintained strategic relationships with key BCMM managers.

Wastewater Treatment Plant – Cooperation with BCMM encouraging continuation of process towards legalising, licensing and making the Plant adequate. Acting as key mouthpiece for the community in demanding adequate capacity before additional development continues.

Electricity - Effective communication channels in place with Eskom. New electricity infrastructure being rolled out based on KBRRA report.

106 membership levies paid – numerous donations received for infrastructural and maintenance improvements. Committee relies on levies and other donations to get things done.

As the Committee workload increases, volunteers have offered their time to assist in delivery.

Total assets of KBRRA – R186K, of which R32K is ringfenced for the Community Hall .

To succeed as a well functioning village, the people of Kidd’s Beach need to be strong, organised and able to hold authorities to account and be in a position to complement inadequate services where necessary.

Kidd’s Beach, being a relatively small and well defined community, is well positioned to present a united front on such matters. Key focus areas for 2025:

      • Balancing bulk infrastructure (water supply, sewerage facilities, electricity supply, roads, streets and junctions) before any new development takes place in Kidd’s Beach
      • Influencing the reimagination and construction of appropriate beachfront facilities ensuring value for money and a logical path toward blue flag status
      • Improving and strengthening safety and security
      • Ensuring that electricity and formalised municipal services are delivered
      • Strengthening KBRRA governance and operations – communication, financial management, membership administration and website upgrading, relevance and maintenance.

KBRRA Key Activities

Project Management

Financial administration and reporting

Researching and preparation for legal when required

Governance of the NPO

Communication with members of KBRRA

Engagement with the media as and when required

Membership and Administration

Building and maintaining key stakeholder relationships

Governance for the Community Hall and surrounding land

Administration for the Festive Season Holiday Program.


We encourage all members to sign up using the form on this page to have access to all relevant and pertinent documentation which will be made available from time to time on this website.

This is a voluntary sign-up and can be discontinued at any time. KBRRA specific documentation will only be available through this portal. Visit our website regularly for any new updates relevant to development and improvements in your village.

R300 per household

(membership levy for 2025)

Banking Details

Account Number 9046674808

Surname & Erf/street address.

Please send Proof of Payment to

Recent KBRRA Comms


The first newsletter of the year provides an overview of the festive season, what worked well and what didn’t. The newsletter also details the proposed priorities for 2025. Review the

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