The Kidd’s Beach community would like to welcome all visitors to our special place of paradise for the 2022 Festive Season.
The area offers tranquil beach walks in an incredibly scenic, safe, unspoiled environment. It is the ideal destination for anglers, surfers, beach goers, natural fauna, and flora enthusiasts.
Please visit our website @ for further information regarding business listings, attractions, activities and our annual holiday program with an attached calendar.

Looking Back at 2022
Kidds Beach residents, It has been a whirlwind year. We have come out of a pandemic and a state of emergency while adjusting to the new normal. Eskom has kept us in the dark, while tap water is safe to bleach a shirt. On the bright side, it has been wonderful to see the smiles around the village again, always accompanied by the inclined friendly Kidd’s Beach wave.
Our waters have become a whale watcher’s dream this year, as the Humpback and Southern Right Whales have visited our shores in large numbers to breed since July. Followed closely by their loyal companions, The Bottlenose dolphins. The coastline boasts a wide variety of animals, all of which have been sighted this year, The Cape fur seal, Cape clawless otter families, African oyster catchers and Giant kingfishers, to name just a few.
Please note, as excited as we are for a festive season of enjoyment, relaxation and time with our loved ones, the basic rules, which can be found on the website and the signage on the beachfront, have to be followed. There are children at play, and the rules and laws are in place for our protection. Any recalcitrant behaviour will not be tolerated by local SAPS and security.
Lastly, please note, use the link below for the Kidd’s Beach website, where all the necessary information can be found!
We wish all our local residents and holidaymakers, new and old, a blessed and safe holiday in our beautiful village.
Website link:
Warm Regards