Kidd's Beach

Ratepayers and Residents Association


Bulk Infrastructure, Pothole Project and Security

Bulk Infrastructure

  • Preparatory work for the construction of a multi-level junction between the Kidd’s Beach main road and the R72 over the next 12 months has begun. Committee member Janice Hurly will provide diagrams, details, and updates in due course.
  • The KBRRA has received a detailed work programme from BCMM to assess what is required to bring the wastewater treatment facilities at Kidd’s Beach to the levels appropriate for the ever-increasing number of dwellings. We have proposed that this should be contained in a formal Memorandum of Understanding between BCMM, developers and KBRRA, in the interests of cooperation and transparency. We look forward to a response within the next week or so. Committee member Chris Dreyer is engaging with senior BCMM managers in this regard.
  • Water supply into the old part of Kidd’s Beach has been relatively reliable despite the intensity of electricity blackouts. Although there have been no further developments regarding BCMM’s provision of a bulk water reservoir, KBRRA continues with its efforts to establish the facts, the intentions, and the whereabouts of the development levies which should have been specifically allocated to this purpose.
  • It is understood from Eskom, that the current electricity supply infrastructure is only adequate for the existing approved dwellings. To address the frequent unplanned outages, a new bypass-line has been constructed and is expected to be commissioned by the end of July 2023. Progress will be monitored by Chris Dreyer.

Pothole Repair Project

  • The pothole repair project during February, March and April illustrated the tremendous spirit of enthusiasm, generosity, and willingness to step up to the plate by many within Kidd’s Beach. Previous updates dealt with the details and a walk through the old part of Kidd’s Beach provides all the evidence required. Financial donations amounted to R37000, of which R27000 was spent. The balance is being held in a separate ‘Infrastructure Fund’ account.
  • The reason for the under expenditure is that just before another batch of materials was purchased, BCMM arrived at Kidd’s Beach with a load of tar to assist with the project.


  • Unfortunately, this year Kidd’s Beach has been struck by several home burglaries. KBRRA has responded by coordinating night patrols, regular engagement with the SAPS, establishing a Kidd’s Beach community policing forum, initiating a ‘WhatsApp Street Group’ in some of the streets.
  • In addition, steps are being taken to install cameras (unfortunately affected by the imminent road construction) and broadening services by security patrols. Committee member Leon Pienaar assisted by Stu Gates, Brandon Tidbury, and the patrol team working tirelessly behind the scenes to provide a layer of security,

Beachfront and Village Services, Community Hall, Representation

Beachfront and Village Services

  • The KBRRA committee initiated a process with BCMM’s coastal village unit to agree and formalise terms that specify the range and standards of services at Kidd’s Beach. BCMM is receptive and has provided some of the required information to proceed with.
  • This will mean that Committee member Benji Gane, supported by volunteers from Kidd’s Beach, will be required to monitor and engage with the local BCMM unit on a regular basis to ensure that standards are met and that corrective actions are taken where required.

Community Hall

  • Steps are being taken to formalise a memorandum of understanding between KBRRA and the Kidd’s Beach Primary School in respect of rental of part of the Community Hall. Committee member Kian Reynolds is working with Chris Dreyer to progress this matter.

Formalising of ‘old part’ of Kidd’s Beach

  • At recent general meetings of the KBRRA, members have motivated that the old part of the village should be strengthened to be able to present a united front when engaging with authorities about provision of services. With security having become an issue, the importance and urgency have been exacerbated.
  • Your committee has explored the options and established that the most appropriate options are either a Homeowners Association or a Special Rating Area. Efforts are underway to establish the implications.
  • One of the important aspects (of both options) is to obtain details of all the homeowners within the old part of the village of Kidd’s Beach.
  • This project will start during the next two weeks under the leadership of Kian Reynolds. With around 250 homes to take account of, this is an appeal for volunteers to assist Kian.

Broaden Ratepayers Participation

  • No longer is Kidd’s Beach a little village with 100 holiday homes. There are currently nearly 1000 dwellings within Kidd’s Beach.
  • It is important that all homeowners are represented by a leadership group on issues of common interest and concern such as safety and security, beachfront facilities and services, bulk infrastructure, social harmonisation, and mobilisation of government services to Kidd’s Beach.
  • Accordingly, KBRRA participated in a meeting with the chairpersons of the homeowners’ associations in the new development areas on 2nd March to discuss the establishment of an overarching leadership group to deal with such issues.
  • The meeting was positive and a follow up will be held on 7th May to report feedback from the various areas and establish the mechanism for moving forward to establish a formal structure.

Annual Levy

If you haven’t already paid your 2023 annual levy of R225 – even if you think you haven’t! – please do so:

R225 per household

(membership levy for 2023)

Banking Details

Account Number 9046674808

Surname & Erf/street address.

Please send Proof of Payment to

Stephen Keet
Chair – Kidd’s Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association (KBRRA)

Recent KBRRA Comms


The first newsletter of the year provides an overview of the festive season, what worked well and what didn’t. The newsletter also details the proposed priorities for 2025. Review the

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