Kidd's Beach

Ratepayers and Residents Association

UPDATE: R72 Junction at Kidd’s Beach (29/5/2023)

You would have noticed the heavy engineering work between the Top Shop and the R72 junction, indicating that the R72 interchange project is underway. The first phase is to construct an alternative access road which will be used during various phases of on- and off- ramp construction.

This alternative road construction will continue until the end of June and the first real effects will be felt around the end of July when all traffic in and out of Kidd’s Beach will be diverted onto this new access road. The main project is expected to take approximately 1 year to complete.

The KBRRA committee will continue to monitor the situation and will provide timely updates on how your daily commute will be affected. We appeal to road-users for patience and consideration of others during this time.

Janice Hurly

Vice-Chair – Kidd’s Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association (KBRRA)

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The first newsletter of the year provides an overview of the festive season, what worked well and what didn’t. The newsletter also details the proposed priorities for 2025. Review the

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