Kidd's Beach

Ratepayers and Residents Association


Date | 3rd February 2023

Dear Kidd’s Beach Residents and Ratepayers

Increasingly, homeowners, residents and visitors to Kidd’s Beach are raising concern about the state of the Main Road, the Retail Centre junction and the R72 junction, and the dangerous conditions that are resulting as traffic numbers grow, seemingly beyond the capacity of this infrastructure.

In recent days, the situation was made worse by protest action at the R72 junction that brought vehicles to a standstill and pedestrians (many of them children) were required to cross the main roads at this dangerous junction. 

Of major concern is that the obligation to construct the new roads and junctions is contained in development authorisations, but deadlines seem elastic. 

The KBRRA has been in earnest discussion with SANRAL and the developer regarding these matters since the beginning of 2022.

The current status is as follows:

• Final Tender documents were evaluated and a recommendation from the evaluators to appoint the highest scoring tenderer was approved by SANRAL in November 2022.

• Commencement of construction was scheduled for end January 2023

• The contract has a 10-month period excluding delays.

• The appointment of a contractor by the developer was planned for December, was delayed, and is still awaited. 

• The commencement of construction has been delayed from end January to end February 2023.

The KBRRA made suggestions to SANRAL to, in the interim, improve road safety at the R72 junction and requested the provincial traffic inspectorate to enhance law enforcement activities. The developer was, due to the latest delay in the construction of the traffic circle at the Caltex intersection, requested to improve the road markings/signage and to repair the potholes on a regular basis at this junction. The KBRRA will endeavour to keep the Kidd’s Beach community up to date as matters progress.

Please make sure you and your family members remain patient in traffic and abide by all traffic rules and no overtaking road markings at all times.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please email to .

Take care.

Stephen Keet


Kidd’s Beach Ratepayers and Residents Association (KBRRA)

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