Kidd's Beach

Ratepayers and Residents Association


Date | 30th January 2023

Dear KBRRA members
With the festive season behind us and the new year picking up momentum, this is a quick update
from the KBRRA Committee.
Festive Season
• We acknowledge with appreciation the efforts made by the SAPS, BCMM, National Sea
Rescue Institute, Red Alert, Traffic Dept, and others who helped to make the beachfront
clean, safe, secure and peaceful.
• And the many residents in Kidd’s who used the beachfront in ways that were considerate to
others and helped to keep it safe, clean and decent.
• These organisations and representatives of the Kidd’s Beach village will work together to
make next years’ festive season even better.
KBRRA Communication
• Work is being done to integrate and streamline the Website, Facebook page, (this)
WhatsApp group and Email that are used as KBRRA communication channels.
• Gareth Matthew, with the support of Benji Gane, is the committee member responsible for
this communication.
• The intention of the WhatsApp group is for the Committee to communicate matters of
interest and concern to members, and to call for opinions, inputs and actions from time to
• There are 260 members on this group, and as you know, such WhatsApp groups can become
cluttered and ineffective if they become chat groups.
• Members are requested to submit concerns, ideas and proposals by email, rather than post
on the WhatsApp group, to .
• If, by mistake, the WhatsApp group is used for such purposes, you will be requested to
resubmit to the email address and your WhatsApp message will be deleted.
• To assist with communication, KBRRA requires a dedicated smart-phone. If you have a spare
one to donate or provide at a favourable price, please respond to
• As agreed at the annual general meeting in November, KBRRA has initiated the installation
of a vehicle number plate recognition camera and monitoring system at the Caltex junction
as a first step to improve security of Kidd’s Beach.
• This project is led by the committee member Leon Pienaar who is responsible for security
and is being jointly funded by KBRRA and the Developer on behalf of the gated communities.
Leon is currently engaging service providers on the design and cost for the service.

• During a recent meeting with the Developer it was resolved to work collaboratively to
develop an integrated security platform for the Kidd’s Beach. One of the objectives being to
reduce the burden on our SAPS by means of enhancing the footprint of reaction units.
Bulk Infrastructure
• The committee continues to work with the authorities to ensure that developments are
properly authorised and that such developments comply with the terms of these
• In this regard the areas of concern continue to be the wastewater treatment facilities, the
R72 junction, the Kidd’s Beach main road and the sustainability of water supply. The
concerns relate to actual adherence with conditions, not just commitments to do so.
• SANRAL and the Developer recently reported a delay on the construction (start-up date) of
the R72 interchange. The situation is being monitored, and we will communicate progress
and arrangements on the temporary access road to be used during the construction of the
interchange. We nevertheless caution everyone to be extremely careful when using the
current interchange.
For an overview of the content discussed at the annual general meeting visit our website page
dedicated to the Residents and Ratepayers Association: click here KBRRA
Membership Levies
• The Committee is encouraged by the number of members who have paid their annual levy
of R225 for 2023.
• The levies go towards maintaining the beachfront facilities, festive season cleaners, special
security measures, street names, temporary speed bumps, life-saving equipment and legal
action where appropriate.

• If you have not done so yet, payment can be made to: KBRRA, ABSA Bank, Account
9046674808, Reference: Surname, Erf/street address. Send Proof of Payment to
• We must recognise that, given the decay of infrastructure in the city and funding
constraints, the authorities are unlikely to be able to deliver the standards of services
normally expected. In this regard the KBRRA will soon launch a project to repair some of the
potholes in the village. A valuable material donation has been made and we will in due
course request volunteers to assist with the repair work, provisioning of equipment and
further donations.
• You might remember that during the riots of 2021, taxi drivers parked at the junction to
prevent mayhem at Kidd’s Beach. Pumla Kema and Ntosh Faku collected donations toward
refreshments for them, and deposited the balance of R3440 with KBRRA for a future
worthwhile cause. We are pleased to join Pumla and Ntosh in using part of the balance to
purchase a pair of running shoes for Kidd’s Beach’s own Washie 160km champion,
Monwabisi Ntozini. What will Monwabisi win next?
Stephen Keet
KBRRA Committee

Recent KBRRA Comms


The first newsletter of the year provides an overview of the festive season, what worked well and what didn’t. The newsletter also details the proposed priorities for 2025. Review the

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