Kidd’s Beach Easter Newsletter
‘Summertime and the living is easy …’ a song composed by George Gershwin all the way back in 1933, sums up the peace and gentle rhythm of time and tide that has returned to the village post 2023 Christmas and New Year celebrations.
On the beach at exactly this time (17 February) last year, a bloom of blue jellyfish stranded and were set upon almost immediately by plough snails, our local shore waste pickers, with great gusto. Is this an annual rhythm? Snails were spotted rapidly sliding from as far as 3m away as they responded to the scent of carrion. Bullia digitalis are adept diggers and use their plough to surf the waves. Rough seas are usually responsible for deposits like this….
Also, on the beach, the very last Oystercatcher eggs are diligently being hatched by a parent. This process can take up to 30 days. Dog walkers are urgently requested to keep their hounds on a leash during summer as Oystercatchers are not known for choosing discerning nesting sites. Interestingly, Oystercatchers neither ‘catch’ their food nor do they feed on oysters!
In the veld and gardens a different rhythm gently unfolds. The indigenous Bulbine plants are sending up their heavily scented yellow triangular flower heads which make them extremely attractive to bees. Juice from their fleshy leaves is useful for all insect stings and minor wounds too. The seafront is about to burst with the pinkish-mauve spikes of ribbon bushes (Hypoestes Aristate), always a welcome pop of colour in the February heat. The nectar from these pretty flowers attracts bees, flies and other small insects, which in turn attract barbets, robins, thrushes and Southern Boubou birds. In the veggie garden fennel bulbs bulge and their yellow lace flowers brighten up dull corners and brinjals produce their deep purple fruit. It’s time to plant sweet peas!
Another rhythm unfolding is that of time. Cooler mornings and later sunrises herald the changing season. And its dry. Easter is a time to dwell more upon humility, simplicity and discipline and perhaps to appreciate the joy of each healthy day dawning.
Author: (S.K)